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Training Design Support

My specialty is adapting curriculum to support workforce integrated learning. I can help you to design educational content that is task-based and directly connected to the needs of both job and employer.


Contact me to create exciting learning opportunities that get results for your business and your clients.

This document was prepared for my Instructional Design Course. It examines the challenges faced by indigenous students when non-Indigenous teachers arrive in the community. It provides a series of observations drawn from interviews and through reviewing literature on how a cultural awareness training could help to improve both teacher and student performance.

This is a storyboard providing a sample of a potential community website that would host important information for teachers moving into the Cree territory to work.


It begins to detail a scenario based, e-learning program aimed at improving the cultural awareness of new teachers.  By providing realistic scenarios in which they must make judgements, teachers can begin to understand important cultural nuances that will influence their teaching and classroom management. 

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